Mindfulness Based Childbirth and Parenting in NYC

Mindful Birth and Parenting: Special Offering in September

This September I will team up with the wonderful Mary Esther Malloy to offer New York families a chance to participate in a Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) class. 

Mindfulness for Labor and Beyond

MBCP is a uniquely experiential childbirth class. As we prep for labor, participants explore mindfulness practices that have been shown to bring greater peace, tranquility, confidence and joy on the parenting path. These practices can be applied directly to labor as coping techniques and can be of great value in the day-to-day work of caring for a young baby.

Mindfulness is more than another relaxation technique. Instead, we use the focused mind, calm body and open heart as springboards to greater insight into how you might 

  • work with the intensity of labor (and whatever may arise),

  • parent with presence, and

  • navigate the many changes to your relationship - and the rest of life! - that come with the transition to parenthood.

Calm, Confidence and Positive Emotion

Why might you want to get a handle on stress during pregnancy? Not all stress is bad, but high levels in pregnancy have been linked to a range of things we'd rather avoid, including early or late labors and elevated blood pressure.  Additionally, your gestating baby's development is in part regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters that can be altered by excess stress.

Evidence is emerging that women and their partners who participate in mindfulness-based childbirth preparation are experiencing higher levels of calm, contentment and positive emotion as they approach and work through labor. Those who continue to practice see a reduction in stress and anxiety that has been shown to hold into the first years of parenting. Research by Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin is examining the impact of mindfulness training during pregnancy on the brains of babies, exploring to what degree such experiences in utero might epigenetically predispose a baby toward calm and connection.  Further research is demonstrating that participants in MBCP courses are more available for attachment to their babies, a cornerstone of health and well-being for anyone starting out in life! I could go on!  

MBCP is for anyone who wants to slow down during pregnancy and explore time-tested tools to cope well at this important time of life.

The course meets over 9 weeks and includes a day-long retreat (from 1 to 6 pm on Sunday, October 20th). To get the most out of the course, outside practice for both partners will be emphasized. Participants will be asked to read Mindful Birthing by Nancy Bardacke. Those early in pregnancy are welcome, too.

For more about Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting: Parenting with Presence and Mindful Birthing.

• September MBCP Series:
Sundays 5-8 pm, 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 (Day-long Retreat 1 to 6 pm), 10/27
Wednesdays 6-9 pm 9/25, 10/23
No class on Rosh Hashanah 9/29